Thursday, November 19, 2020

Meet the New Boss…Comes from the Old: Norm Lipinski Named Surrey Police Chief

The Surrey Police Board is planning to "move on" from the RCMP to a new municipal police force in the city by hiring a former assistant commissioner of that same RCMP. On November 19, 2020, they announced that they have tabbed Norm Lipinski to be the first chief of the city's new municipal police force. Lipinski is currently the deputy chief of the Delta Police Department and before that spent years with the Edmonton Police Service before becoming assistant commissioner with the RCMP’s E Division (British Columbia).

The announcement comes the same day a major report details systemic abuse and the toxic culture of the RCMP. Nice timing.

Under Lipinski’s term in Delta, two Delta Police officers were disciplined following a five-month long investigation into a complaint of workplace and sexual harassment. Sounds familiar.

Speaking of multiple killer RCMP Monty Robinson, then assistant commissioner Lipinski said: "he won’t be fired outright, now that he's a convicted criminal, because he's still entitled to due process as a police officer under the RCMP Act."

Lipinski was embroiled in a controversy when civilian Kiran Sidhu was sprayed with a water hose by Lorraine Dubord, spouse of Delta’s police chief Neil Dubord, outside the couple’s house in June 2020. Lorraine Dubord allegedly hurled insults at Ms. Sidhu. Police decided not to lay charges against Lorraine Dubord and there was some concern about Lipinski’s role in that decision.

Getting rid of the RCMP in Surrey was a good step. No need to bring any of them back. And now the next step is to defund and abolish the new force.